Services Projects Recommendations Contacts
Stupino-Sitenka, 2015

Project Manager:

Maxim Yegorov

Project Manager:

Maxim Yegorov
Maxim Yegorov
Maxim Yegorov is a project manager, platoon commander in past. Clear, straight, always keeps to the point. Preferences: complex projects and tight-corner situations.

Project in numbers:

4 000 m²
Work site area
216 pcs
Quantity of lighting fixtures installed
Project implementation
The Mars Company is a pioneer among foreign investors who came to the Moscow Region. Since the launch of the industrial complex in Stupino, Mars company has become one of the most stable and efficient Russian market structures, the largest producer of high-quality confectionery.
Design works
Electrical installation works
Supply lighting equipment
Services electrical laboratories

The works were carried out at the following sites:

Administrative and household building

Project achievements:

The production processes at the Mars Sitenka factory are verified to the smallest detail. Employees are every professional in their field, all without exception are very loyal and responsible to their work. Separately, it is worth noting the uniform of colleagues, these are absolutely snow-white suits, which at the end of each shift are sent to the laundry located here at the factory. Coming on shift, an employee receives a fragrant, ironed suit, and such pedantry is manifested in absolutely everything. Add here a fairly good salary level, and you will get a very motivated staff united by the idea of doing their job well! As for the project itself, as always, our team feels real pleasure working in such a well-coordinated team, we learn from them to organize our work, learn tolerance to mistakes, learn success. The project went great, we continue to work at the MARS sites to this day, we can safely say that this is our "favorite" client!