Services Projects Recommendations Contacts
Moscow, 2013

Project Manager:

Maxim Yegorov
Maxim Yegorov
Maxim Yegorov is a project manager, platoon commander in past. Clear, straight, always keeps to the point. Preferences: complex projects and tight-corner situations.

Project in numbers:

2013 год
Реализация проекта
MISiS is a Russian national research technological university, leading Russian leading Russian higher education institutions in the field of material engineering and technology.

The works were carried out at the following sites:

The premises of the MISiS National Research Technological University Campus.

Project achievements:

We developed a project to move two KL-10 kV cable lines and power line VL-10 kV from the NITU MISiS Campus building complex construction area. The project was approved by all related authorities and Rostekhnadzor. Subsequently, installation works under this project were completed successfully.