Services Projects Recommendations Contacts
Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia
Moscow, 2016

Project Manager:

Kirill Kozarenko

Project Manager:

Kirill Kozarenko
Kirill Kozarenko
Kirill Kozarenko is a natural-born project manager. Leading energy specialists of the largest enterprises of the Russian Federation speak of him with the most praiseful words.

Project in numbers:

28,500 m²
Work site area
826 pcs.
Quantity of lighting fixtures installed
Project implementation
Factories of Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia are the largest beverage producers on the territory of the Russian Federation. They are located all over Russia: from Vladivostok to the Central Black Earth Region.
Design works
Electrical installation works
Supply lighting equipment
Services electrical laboratories

The works were carried out at the following sites:

Finished products warehouse

Project achievements:

Our experts implemented a project for the installation of lighting equipment at the finished products warehouse. Lighting fixtures for this project were supplied by the Customer, Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia. Lantern replacement was performed on the “one to one” basis.

During the project implementation, our team noted the low quality of the lanterns manufactured by Sirecled. To achieve the regulatory limits, they installed additional lanterns which also had a negative impact on the saving planned by the Customer

The following equipment was used at this facility: