Services Projects Recommendations Contacts
Shchelkovo, 2015

Project Manager:

Maxim Yegorov

Project Manager:

Maxim Yegorov
Maxim Yegorov
Maxim Yegorov is a project manager, platoon commander in past. Clear, straight, always keeps to the point. Preferences: complex projects and tight-corner situations.

Project in numbers:

Project implementation
Multon is an innovation company founded in 1995 in Russia for the development and manufacture of fruit-based healthy food: natural juices, nectars, drinks, and mash in aseptic packing.

Multon’s professional team manages one of Eastern Europe’s largest factories located in Shchelkovo near Moscow as well as an own scientific research center. Multon’s products are also produced at Coca-Cola HBC Russia’s factories.
Electrical installation works
Supply lighting equipment
Services electrical laboratories

The works were carried out at the following sites:

Finished product warehouse

Project achievements:

Specialists of our company have developed a project for connection and commissioning of a reactive power compensation unit. Assembly, delivery to the facility and connection of two reactive power compensation units were carried out. Cables with a cross-section of 5x120 mm2 were laid along cable trestles. The work was carried out using an "emergency power line" in order to minimize the impact of the commissioning of the reactive power compensation unit on the technological equipment of the factory.